Tip of the day

No one can insult or hurt you without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you. There are no failures, only lessons.

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Financial Reports

The choice of financially reliable partners has a key role in the development of every business activity and making the right decisions while negotiating with these partners is very often of extreme importance. Respectively the wrong choice of a business partner may have serious and even disastrous consequences. The financial reports for these partners are one of the most important information sources with which we recommend starting every business relationship.

BRACHEV Ltd is able to provide such reports against payment both for Bulgarian and for foreign companies. The cost of this service varies between 50 and 150 euro depending on the company that is an object of research and its nationality. The information that is included in these reports is usually the financial statements for the last 3 years, evaluation of the ability of the company to pay on time, information about the ownership and the reputation of the company, financial rating of the company which gives a clear idea about the financial reliability of the company.