Tip of the day

When a negative thought comes to your mind, immediately replace it with a positive one. Positive always dominates over the negative and your mind has to be conditioned to think only the best.

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  • Our Offer

    We offer special services to our customers that are connected with the international supply of sunflower seeds and kernels and with our new product development projects.

    Some of these services are completely free of charge as they are actually an inseparable part of our daily foreign trade activities; others are being requested occasionally by our customers and they need to be paid.

  • Outsourcing of Foreign Trade Activities

    Maybe you think that the outsourcing of the foreign trade activities is quite an expensive solution for a company. Maybe it seems to you that the price of this type of service is too high and that it would be cheaper if you hire the right specialist (or specialists) in your company.

    This is true if volume of this type of activity in your company is considerable. But if you have only a small number of foreign trade deals, you are too far away from the truth!

  • Delivery Control

    A basic task in our work is to enable our customers to keep tracking the fulfillment of their orders and the movement of our deliveries that are being transported by sea or road. This aspect of our activities is of extreme importance in urgent cases and for deliveries are supposed to arrive exactly at a certain time and place.

  • International Transportation

    BRACHEV LTD uses a large network of transportation and forwarding companies that is able to satisfy the most variable requirements and to offer a wide range of logistic solutions to its customers. We us mainly trucks and containers for our deliveries but we have also experience with more specific methods of transportation as river motor barges, railway, ro-ro and others.

  • Product Development

    The new product development process is the source for our growth and for the growth of our customers. Without new products there is no development and no future for any company in the modern dynamic world market.

    What are our competitive advantages and why is it worth to work with us?

  • Laboratory Testing

    In our work we use both own laboratories and specialized laboratories of other companies that are authorized to perform a certain type of laboratory tests. In our laboratories we do the basic testing which directly affects the quality of the production process and of our final products.

  • Financial Reports

    The choice of financially reliable partners has a key role in the development of every business activity and making the right decisions while negotiating with these partners is very often of extreme importance. Respectively the wrong choice of a business partner may have serious and even disastrous consequences. The financial reports for these partners are one of the most important information sources with which we recommend starting every business relationship.

  • Market Research

    We offer a great variety of market research surveys mainly for the Bulgarian market. This type of service requires payment and a very clear and precise definition of the survey goals. They require interaction with many organisations and institutions and depending on the complexity of the research work they can last longer and may require weeks and even months…

  • Certification & Auditing

    The certification according to standards like ISO 9001, ISO 22000, IFC, BRC and others is very important for the growth of every company and for the access of its products to certain markets. The possession of a certain certificate is a guarantee for the customers that their partner-supplier is able to grant the necessary quality of his products and that he has reached a certain level of development.